Some people think dolls are creepy.
My Grandma, who I am named after, was not one of those people. Every birthday and christmas when I was growing up, she added to my doll collection. At some point, I'll post the whole thing.
I like sewing for dolls, and I'm recently branching out into customizing dolls.
So the ones you're likely to hear about on this blog:
Allison--18" hard body child's play doll, Magic Attic Club
Way back when American Girl was just starting to be a thing, their main competitor were the Magic Attic Club dolls. Guess who won that popularity contest.
Allison is a doll I've had since I was probably 6. She's in desperate need of a re-wigging and is missing a finger. I have a lot of the original clothes for her, too, and I need to patch a couple of them us. Allison isn't going to be remade or restored, but she does deserve a few repairs. She's also great for sewing children's clothes on. Allison's important because she was the first doll I had that was a playable doll, not just one to look at.
Nameless Lotus--50cm aBJD, LTtan skin, Bobobie
As far as Ball Jointed Dolls go, the Bobobie Lotus is about as cheap as they get. Bobobie is still catching up on Christmas orders, so she hasn't even shipped to me yet.
For people not familiar with ball jointed dolls, they're expensive, made out of a nice resin, and come with no hair or clothes (and sometimes no eyes). The whole idea is that you can customize them till your heart's content.
And the Mattel dolls:
Creepy Maddie--17" Ever After High Extra Tall
If I'd realized that the extra tall articulated dolls existed, I probably wouldn't have spent $150 on the Lotus.
Anyway, seeing Maddie at Target is what got me back into dolls. She's really articulate, and just poorly dressed enough that she's fun to make new dresses for.
First thing I did with her was to remake her dress and add a couple more details to her accessories. Maddie's pretty much considered done, and I'll post a couple before and after's later today.
Frankie-->Ghoulia--My current big project. 17" Frankie Stein to Ghoulia Yelps
For at least a little while, this blog's going to be about this specific project. Currently, there's a headless body sitting in my work basket.
I'm not really interested in working with dolls smaller than the 17" Monster High's. I just don't have the patience, and I've seen a lot more people modding the little ones than the Frightfully Tall's.
So, follow me on my journey into keeping too many blogs and driving myself nuts.
For tags, each doll will have their own tag. Search "Complete" for the post where I show the before and after's of a finished doll, and "Registration," for when I buy a new doll and start a new project.
And I blame Amanda for the name. This is all your fault, Amanda. All. Your. Fault.
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